School Stuff

Between the 2 of us we have 40 years of teaching/coaching experience. It is our passion and what defines us. We love going to work. Together we have taught high school, adult school, and Jr high school. Everything from basic electives to AP courses. We graduated from USC, CSUN, and LaVerne. Over the years, we have dedicated our summers to our students and athletes. Now we are looking forward to dedicating our summers to traveling our great nation! Here is a list of what we have accomplished during our education careers-

Courses Taught-

  1. PE

  2. AP Computer Science

  3. Web Design

  4. Google IT

  5. Dance

  6. Work Experience

  7. Working from Home

  8. Computer Applications

  9. Video Production

  10. Business Law

  11. Marketing

  12. Intro to Business

Coaching Assignments-

  1. Baseball- 17 yrs Head Coach

  2. Dance

  3. Soccer

  4. Basketball

  5. Track & Field

  6. Football

  7. Volleyball

  8. Softball

  9. Athletic Director

Teaching/Coaching Certificates-

  1. Clear California Teaching Credentials

  2. ESL Certified

  3. CTE Certified

  4. Undergraduate Degrees

  5. Masters in Education

  6. NFHS Coaching Certified

  7. CIF Coaching Certified

  8. Department Chair

Club Sponsor/Advisor/Supervisor-

  1. FBLA

  2. DECA


  4. Ballroom Dance

  5. Coding for Kids

  6. Varsity Club

  7. Athletes in Action

  8. Many ASB Events & Programs

  9. Union Site Rep

Other members of the family who teach- Dad, Mom, daughter, brother, sisiter, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, cousins, etc...